Saturday, August 22, 2015

Mitochondria & The Methylation Cycle-
The Keys to Increasing Energy and Cellular Health

Do you need more energy? Are you sick? Seems like most of us these days can answer yes to both of those questions. Should we be sick though, and feel tired all the time? The answer is a resounding no. It is not natural to feel this way, nor is it built into the body's design. We're simply not supposed to be sick all the time. So then why are we? Well, the answer is threefold. And I'm going to be illustrating this for you in this article in a way everyone can understand.

Everyone knows B vitamins give you energy, and some have even heard how your adrenal gland health effects energy levels. But these are not the base or the foundation of your energy production in your body. All energy produced in the body is produced by mitochondria inside the cell. The energy mitochondria produce is called ATP, it is literally the fuel your cells feed on to perform their function properly. What that means is, if you are mitochondria are not producing enough ATP you eventually get sick. Get symptoms. Things start breaking. Just like car parts. If a cell cannot work, it eventually dies. Well  you don't want this happening on a tissue level, much less a systemic level. So when it starts on the cellular level that's when we need to correct it. These mitochondria basically look like bugs under a microscope. They swim around inside your cell looking for the nutrients they need to feed on, in order to produce ATP. Kind of like bees flying around looking for pollen and flower nectar to feed on, so they can then produce honey. Same thing. The mitochondria require specific nutrients in order to produce ATP. Things like CoQ10, omega-3 fatty acids, carnitine and others. The American diet is sadly low in these specific nutrients, almost nonexistent in some people if you were to test their blood. Supplementing with the correct nutrients for ATP production will truly transform your life.

The second big pillar of energy production is your the methylation cycle. This is one of the major recycling metabolic processes in the body that is happening every second of the day. The methylation process is crucial for detoxification, production of adrenal steroid hormones, DNA repair, absorption of B12, vitamin D and others, and is also crucial for energy production. It is essentially a recycling circle, combining particular nutrients with other nutrients in order to form certain molecules necessary for other functions. And then sending those molecules back into the recycling process to start it over, and keep it going. Similar to the Krebs cycle. Methylation keeps homocysteine at proper levels, when you are lacking nutrients for proper methylation function, your homocysteine levels rise in the blood, causing cardiovascular issues. This is a very common blood test, and high homocysteine blood levels are well known marker for cardiovascular problems. This is just one example, but as you can see methylation is huge. It's just like the mitochondria, it's at the very base and core of our bodies energy production. But methylation is responsible for more. As I said, detoxification, cellular repair, absorption of B12, vitamin D, folic acid and much more.

when both of these processes are  impaired or "running on low" we get symptoms. And we get sick. Cells die. That is simply how the body works. Impairment of these two processes for long periods of time can lead to conditions such as:

  • Fibromyalgia
  • chronic fatigue syndrome
  • slow healing
  • easily stressed
  • cardiovascular disease
  • lack of energy
  • depression
  • pain
  • mental disease
  • arterial disease

And many many more. Consider fortifying your mitochondria and methylation cycle to maximize your health today. If you have questions or want more information please contact our clinic.


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

8 essential sugars for health

There are eight simple sugars (monosaccharides) that combine with proteins and fats to form a code that allows each cell to communicate with others. These special molecules are found on the surface of every cell and allow the immune system to distinguish between self and non-self. This code is the basis for blood types, the functioning of the immune system, the body's ability to heal itself, and much more.

The eight essential sugars are: glucose, galactose, mannose, fucose, xylose, N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetylgalactosamine, and N-acetylneuraminic acid. Glucose and galactose are commonly available in the modern diet, and the other six sugars are generally deficient.

Watch this amazing video to learn how much they can help you!